Charley Peters
United Kingdom | @charleypeters

Charley Peters makes paintings where abstract language and contemporary screen aesthetics collide, remixing familiar motifs from art history, retro gaming, TV and the Internet on canvases, walls and in public spaces. She sees her work as creating fantastical worlds where diverse pictorial elements exist together in unique, dynamic configurations full of visual energy, colour, abstract shapes and graphic symbols. Her work has developed from a belief that everyone deserves their own place to belong and if you don't fit comfortably into the real world designed by other people, then you have the power to make your own. Charley is neurodivergent with a combined diagnosis of ADHD and Autism, and loves her unique, unconventional, creative brain

'Nothing But Trouble, Who The Hell Cares'


'Read My Lips Baby, Are You Done Yet?'


'Yeah Yeah, Sure Sure, Whatever'


'Ready To Go, Faster Than Light'


'Oh No You Didn't'
